Friday, October 20, 2006

picture books

julian has been having such a hard time sleeping lately, and since i don't sleep well right now, it's causing me to be one sleep deprived mama.

when he wakes up, he gets into everything, so i have to sleep in the recliner in the living room so that i wake up when his bedroom door creaks open.

today, julian surprised me by sleeping longer than an hour at nap time, and i took advantage of it by sleeping in my bed (instead of the rocking chair). i woke up 2 1/2 hours later, in a panic, sure that julian was sticking toys in electrical outlets or toilet fishing or something. i looked around and he sat in the floor, next to my bookshelf with several of our half-unpacked books strewn around him.

the one he chose to read? "The Celebration of Sex". the only picture book in our grown up library.


At 10/20/2006 2:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

celebrate good times, come on!

At 10/20/2006 2:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

celebrate good times, come on!

At 10/22/2006 10:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OH MY GOODNESS. That is too hilarious. I am sorry, but it is. Man, that just cracks me up.

At 10/25/2006 8:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember how nervous I was when you and cj found and studied the book "SO! that's how babies are made?" HaHA -


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